EDS-FFL 2002 Season

Al Michaels and John Madden to present this season’s EDS-FFL Championship trophy.

Sorry we tried to get Melissa Stark but she was busy.

Position Award Leaders

Trash  Talk

League Rules

Treasury (coming soon)

Transaction Instructions -- Please Help the Transaction Guy

To give the instructions again all transactions (add, drop, trade) must be input to the website. On a regular week add/drops are due by noon on Saturday with your lineup and any trades by noon on Sunday. Note that all trades need to be approved so if you wait until the last minute and I am not available you may be out of luck. To help make it easier please try to submit multiple transactions  (choices) for your moves, and don't simply list alternates in the notes section (My preference is that you use Raiders M1C1, Raiders M1C2, Raiders M1C2,  Raiders M2C1, Raiders M2C2 in the notes space to clarify). If you input your choices and then decide that you want a different order (priority) renter  the transaction and send me an email so I know to expect this beforehand.

[2002 Position Awards] [2002 League Rules]